Have you ever noticed how everyday objects got faces as they are smiling, being angry or amazed?
However, there is a psychological phenomenon called pareidolia, where a person perceives a random stimulus as something significant such as sees faces on clouds or buildings.
It may also be more common among people with a wilder imagination. So, if you happen to see an happy face on a wall, don’t worry – chances are high you’re not crazy.
1. Sad Torso is Sad, Iggy Pop
Image credits: imgur2. Amazed Car Bumper
Image credits: imgur3. Evil Rose
Image credits: sadanduseless4. Evil Boxes

5. Happy Little Scooter-Frog
Image credits: imgur6. Angry Clock
Image credits: the-nicest-pictures.blogspot.com
7. OMG Wall
Image credits: eworm
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