Boring Duckling

23 Cute Baby Animals That Will Make You “Aww”

I am always wondering why that the nature of the baby animals are always cute, don’t you feel that not only human but all animal’s babies are cute! Is that possible that the nature cuteness of the new borns is a kind of self-protect mechanism? No one will try to harm something that is cute.

For instance, in this video the leopard kills the baboon but adopt her prey’s baby. Some people commented that the leopard was actually save the meal for later. I would say that it was the leopard that she (or perhaps no one) could simply hurt a cute baby animal.

Anyway, let’s take a break and go through these cute baby animal pictures.

1. Baby Chameleon


Image credits: ckminihane

2. Baby Giraffe


Image credits: shizzi

3. Boring Duckling


Image credits: unknown

4. Baby Deer

Image credits: Jeff Moore

5. Baby Hippo

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6. Baby Dolphin

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7. Baby Hedgehog

Image credits: Blue Lunar Rose

8. Baby Ant Eater

Image credits: unknown

9. Baby Panda

Image credits: unknown

10. Baby Octopus

Image credits: unknown

11. Lamb

Image credits: Geir Magne Sætre

12. Baby Sloth

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13. Baby Seal

Image credits: imgur

14. Baby Puffer Fish

Image credits: NikazDesignz

15. Piglet

Image credits: Brittney Williford

16. Baby Hamster

Image credits: unknown

17. Baby Fox

Image credits: Igor Shpilenok

18. Baby Chinchilla

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19. Baby Hawk

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20. Baby Skunk

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21. Baby Prairie Dogs

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22. Baby Otter

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23. Baby Stingrays

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We always try our best to credit each photographer, but sometimes it’s impossible to reach some of them. Please contact us if you know the missing authors.