Boring Duckling

Blind Dog found ways to go home during Christmas

A mix breed and eight year old dog named Abby was bought by the Grapengeter family. However in a a cold freezing day, the dog was lost and she is no where to find. The family was not able to put a microchip or even a dog tag

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for its identification. The family lost hope in finding it, but they still tried to post on social networking sites looking for a chance to find their family dog. While In the other hand, Mark May and his company saw a dog running with their sled on 19thof December. Though it is freezing he tried to approach the dog, but it went running. Just after some hours in his clinic, the veterinarian so a dog standing on his clinic’s porch. The veterinarian thought about letting the dog in the porch because maybe it is only lingering there for nothing. But he noticed that the dog was blind, and it is negative 40 degrees cold outside, and the dog may have sniffed his scent to look for a place to stay. Mark hurriedly checked the dog, and he doesn’t see anything wrong, not even a frostbite that usually people get from staying too long in that cold temperature. With the help of the social network post of the family, Mark found where the dog really belongs to that Christmas. Mark contacted the Grapengeter family in order to Abby find her real home. Grapengeter family and Mark believes that it is a miracle for a dog to work out on his own and find its home. But maybe with the power of Christmas, Abby finds her way to go back with her family. And the family celebrated the Christmas like as if it was a gift. Abby and the family is living in Alaska peacefully.