It’s not that hard to spot an animal that bring a smile to your face. Whether by their cute or beautiful looks or their natural innocence. But whatever the case may be, one of these funny animal facts is bound to make you smile.
1. Squirrels plant thousands of new trees very year, by forgetting where they put their acorns

Image credits: Irene Mei
2. Male puppies will often let female puppies win when playing , even if they have a physical advantage.

Image credits: Brian Whipple
3. Turtles can breathe through their butts.

Image credits: TaraDSturm
4. Cows have best friends and they spend most of their time together

Image credits: mare
5. Sea otters hold hands when they sleep to keep them from drifting apart

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6. Macaques in Japan use coins to buy snacks from vending machine

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7. Killing a Panda is punishable by death in China

Image credits: unknown
8. Rats do laugh when tickled
9. Dolphins have names for each other

Image credits: Vitaliy Sokol
10. Japanese Macaques make snowballs for fun

Image credits: Lee Fisher
11. chicks can communicate with each other and their mother through sounds before hatch

Image credits: caryn74
12. Dog’s nose prints are as unique as human fingerprints

Image credits: Elke Vogelsang
13. There Is An Immortal Jellyfish that live forever – Turritopsis nutricula

Image credits: Takashi Murai
14. Squirrels will adopt other abandoned squirrels babies

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